What's the most important thing when it comes to taking care of your cat's eyes?

The most important thing is to know what normal looks like. Cats' eyes should be clear, with no discharge, and they shouldn't be rubbing at them. There should be no redness, irritation, or squinting. If any of these symptoms appear, it signifies a problem that needs to be checked.

Dr. Rebecca McIntosh
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital

How does good eye care impact the health and well-being of your cat?

Good eye care is crucial as eyes can be painful. If your cat's eye is affected by a condition, they can definitely feel uncomfortable. Cats with high eye pressure like glaucoma, can experience symptoms similar to headaches. It may cause them to lose their appetite, seem uncomfortable or lethargic, or make them run away. Hence, it's crucial to understand your cat's normal behaviors and what a normal eye looks like in your cat.

What are some signs and symptoms of eye issues in your cat?

Signs include squinting and eye discharge, regardless of the color. Clear discharge can be okay, but if it's not a regular occurrence, has not been diagnosed before, and isn't being treated, it's a reason to visit a vet.

How soon should you bring your cat in to see a veterinarian for a problem with vision or other eye problems?

You should bring your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible, because eye problems can worsen very quickly. A minor scratch or ulcer can lead to the loss of an eye in a short period of time, so it's crucial to get it checked.

How will a veterinarian diagnose a problem with vision or other eye issues in your cat?

A veterinarian can conduct various tests, including but not limited to checking tears, eye pressures, scratches, or ulcers. If they find anything positive, they will treat for the diagnosed disease.

What types of eye treatments are commonly recommended for cats?

Treatment depends on the problem. Some eye issues result from systemic viral problems, meaning the cat will have them for life and they may reoccur. Knowing the diagnosis and what's normal for your cat is important in determining what you can and cannot do at home, and when it's time to see a vet.

Why is it important to avoid self-diagnosing eye issues in cats?

It is important to avoid self-diagnosing because you can definitely do it wrong. Even if your cat has had eye problems in the past and you have a shelf full of eye medication, certain problems require specific treatments. Some medications can treat one problem but exacerbate another, so it's crucial to use the right medicines.

Why is early detection and diagnosis of problems with a cat's eye so important?

A cat's eyes and vision are critical to their quality of life and their ability to engage in normal behaviors like hunting. If a cat is losing their vision or suffering from painful eye problems, it can greatly impact their overall quality of life. So, it's really important to know if there's an issue.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Cat Eye Care - FAQs 1

Dr. Rebecca McIntosh
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital

Can I treat a cat eye infection at home?

Treating a cat's eye infection at home really depends on what's going on with the eye. We don't want to put any medications in there that we don't know what we're treating. So definitely getting your cat to the veterinarian, making sure we're diagnosing the right problem and making sure we're getting them on the right medication if medications are warranted is the first step. I would not give anything at home without talking to your vet.

When should I seek the help of a veterinarian for a cat eye issue?

You should seek help immediately as soon as you know there's something going on with the cat's eye. As soon as it looks abnormal, it's time to take the cat to the vet so that we can diagnose the problem and get them on the right medication.

Will a cat eye infection resolve on its own?

There are many reasons why cats get eye problems and eye infections. We need to diagnose the underlying problem causing the eye issue. We're not helping the cat if we're not fixing the underlying problem, even if we put eye drops in their eyes all day.

Can I give my cat eye drops?

Yes, but only if they're prescribed for your cat by your veterinarian. We want to know what we're treating and how we're treating it and ensure that they're getting better.

Is there a vision test for cats?

Technically, no. When we test for a cat's vision, we're looking to see if they can follow your finger or something that you throw up in the air. We're looking for changes in their cranial nerves - do they blink when they're supposed to, do they see something coming at their eye? If those things have changed, we might have a cranial nerve issue, or we might actually have a vision issue. Cats can also detach their retinas just like people can, so detecting blindness in a cat requires observing them at home, seeing if they're bumping into things, and then taking them to the vet for an evaluation.

What should I do if I notice my cat is losing their sight?

You should immediately bring your cat to the vet. There are many underlying problems that can cause blindness in cats, including thyroid dysfunction, blood pressure issues, traumas, and some viral diseases. We need to know what's going on before we treat it. Some of these problems can be reversed and blindness can be reversed in some instances. The sooner you can get them to the vet, the sooner we can diagnose the problem, the better off we are.

Can regular cleaning of my cat's eyes prevent eye issues?

Not necessarily. However, if there's a lot of discharge coming out of your cat's eyes, you should clean it up to prevent skin infections. It's important to note that a lot of discharge from the eyes is not normal, and you should take your cat to the vet for a checkup to ensure there's no problem with the eyes.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram